Group 15 Elements General introduction, occurrence, electronic configuration, oxidation states, anomalous behaviour of nitrogen with reasons, trends in physical and chemical properties – reactivity towards hydrogen and oxygen
Dinitrogen Preparation- from (NH4)2Cr2O7, laboratory method from NH4Cl, properties and uses. Compounds of nitrogen
Ammonia Manufacture by Haber’s process, properties – basic character, reaction with ZnSO4 and Cu2+ ion
Oxides of Nitrogen Structures for NO, NO2 and N2O5 only
Nitric Acid Manufacture by Ostwald’s process, laboratory method – from NaNO3, properties – oxidizing properties – dilute HNO3 with Zn and Cu, concentrated HNO3 with Cu, Zn, I2 and carbon, passivity with Al and Cr with reason, Brown ring test.
Phosphorus- Allotropic Forms White and red phosphine – laboratory preparation, properties – basic nature, PCl3 and PCl5 – preparation from dry chlorine, properties- action on water (hydrolysis). Oxoacids: hypo phosphorous acid, Orthphosphorous acid, orthophosphoric acid –formula, structure, reducing property, basicity.
Phosphine Phosphine – laboratory preparation, properties – basic nature, PCl3 and PCl5 – preparation from dry chlorine, properties- action on water (hydrolysis).
Phosphorous Halides Phosphorous Halides
Oxoacids of Phosphorus Oxoacids: hypophosphorous acid, orthophosphorous acid, orthophosphoric acid –formula, structure, reducing property, basicity.
Group 16 Elements General introduction, occurrence, electronic configuration, oxidation states, anomalous behaviour of oxygen with reasons, trends in physical and chemical properties, reactivity with hydrogen and halogen.
Dioxygen Preparation from KClO3, properties- reaction with Al, CH4, C, uses.
Simple Oxides Classification – acidic, basic and amphoteric, examples.
Ozone Preparation, properties, oxidising properties – with PbS and NO.
Sulphur- Allotropic Forms Brief account of rhombic and monoclinic.
Sulphur Dioxide Compounds of sulphur: SO2 – laboratory preparation, properties – reaction with NaOH, Cl2, reducing property. Uses, sulphuric acid: manufacture by contact process – flow chart and equations, properties- acidic, dehydrating and oxidizing, reaction with metal halides (halide = F, Cl), uses.
Oxoacids of Sulphur Oxoacids of sulphur: sulphurous acid, sulphuric acid, peroxodisulphuric acid and pyrosulphuric acid – formula, structure.
Sulphuric Acid Manufacture and Uses.
Group 17 Elements General introduction, occurrence, electronic configuration, oxidation states, trends in physical and chemical properties, anomalous behaviour of fluorine with reasons, reactivity towards hydrogen and oxygen.
Chlorine Preparation– from HCl with KMnO4, properties – reaction with Al, S8, H2S, NH3, NaOH, Ca (OH)2, oxidising property – with FeSO4, Na2SO3, bleaching property, uses.
Hydrogen Chloride Laboratory preparation, properties – acidic nature, reaction with NH3, aqua regia, uses.
Oxoacids of Halogens Names, formulae and structures of oxoacids of chlorine only.
Interhalogen Compounds Preparation of ClF3, IC1, BrF5, properties- reactivity compared with halogens, hydrolysis – general equation.
Group 18 Elements General introduction, occurrence, electronic configuration, trends in physical and chemical properties – reason for their inertness, formation and formula of Bartlett compound, preparation of XeF6 and XeO3, XeO2F2(by hydrolysis of XeF6), uses of noble gases.