Alternating currentMention of expression for instantaneous current
Peak and rms values of alternating current and voltage.
AC voltage applied to a resistorExpression for current
Phase relation between voltage and current
Phasor representation
AC voltage applied to an inductorExpression for current
Phase relation between voltage and current
Phasor representation
AC voltage applied to a capacitorCurrent amplitude
Average power
Phasor diagram
AC voltage applied to series LCR circuitImpedance
Phasor diagram solution
Analytical solution
Electrical resonance : resonant frequency, sharpness of resonance
Power in AC circuitPower factor
Inductive and capacitive circuit
Meaning of wattles current
LC oscillationsQualitative explanation
Frequency of LC oscillations and total energy of LC circuit
LC oscillators
TransformerPrinciple, construction and working
Step up and step down transformers
Sources of energy losses
NumericalsConcept based problems
An alternating voltage v = vm sinωt applied to a resistor R drives a current i = im sinωt in the resistor. where, The current is in phase with the applied voltage.
For an alternating current i = im sinωt passing through a resistor R, the average power loss P (averaged over a cycle) due to joule heating is
(1/2) im2R .To express it in the same form as the dc power (P = I2R), a special value of current is used. It is called root mean square (rms) current and is denoted by I:

Similarly, the rms voltage is defined by,
We have, P = IV = I2R

Inductive reactance:

An ac voltage v = vm sinωt applied to a pure inductor L, drives a current in the inductor i = im sin (ωt – π/2),
where im = vm /XL.
  • XL = ωL is called inductive reactance. The current in the inductor lags the voltage by π/2.
  • The average power supplied to an inductor over one complete cycle is zero.

Coulomb’s Law:

An ac voltage v = vm sinωt applied to a capacitor drives a current in the capacitor: i = im sin (ωt + π/2).
it is called capacitive reactance.
The average power supplied to a capacitor over one complete cycle is zero.
For a series RLC circuit driven by voltage v = vm sinωt, the current is given by I = im sin (ωt + φ) where and where  is the phase difference between voltage across the source and current in the circuit is,
is called the impedance of the circuit. The average power loss over a complete cycle is given by, P = V I cosφ.
The term cosφ is called the power factor
An interesting characteristic of a series RLC circuit is the phenomenon of resonance. The circuit exhibits resonance, i.e., the amplitude of the current is maximum at the resonant frequency, The quality factor Q defined by is an indicator of the sharpness of the resonance, the higher value of Q indicates sharper peak in the current.

Simple harmonic motion:

A circuit containing an inductor L and a capacitor C (initially charged) with no ac source and no resistors exhibits free oscillations. The charge q of the capacitor satisfies the equation of simple harmonic motion:

and therefore, the frequency ω of free oscillation is


A transformer consists of an iron core on which are bound a primary coil of Np turns and a secondary coil of Ns turns. If the primary coil is connected to an ac source, the primary and secondary voltages are related by

and the currents are related by

If the secondary coil has a greater number of turns than the primary, the voltage is stepped-up (Vs > Vp). This type of arrangement is called a stepup transformer.
If the secondary coil has turns less than the primary, we have a step-down transformer.