UPSC prelims
In this article, we will help the aspirants to gauge the Prelims round of exam and what would be an ideal approach to prepare for prelims.
UPSC Civil Services Examination process starts with the PreliminaryExam(Prelims) as the first round. This, in a way, can be considered to be the most important and difficult stage of exam. The difficult part is due to the large number of students appearing for it. Approximately, 5 to 6 lakh people take up prelims. The number of people qualifying prelims to write mains is around Fifteen Thousand. This comes to around 2.5-3% qualifying the prelims, the rest will have to attempt the next year. This huge competition makes this stage difficult to crack.
Another reason which makes this stage difficult is the vastness of the syllabus. Though a syllabus has been mentioned by the UPSC it does not have a closed boundary. So one should have awareness about everything happening around, i.e. current affairs. Also, an aspirant should have a sound clarity on topics of General Studies-Indian Polity, Economy, History, Geography, etc.,
Not enough! Don’t worry we believe in giving more and yes, we are going to give you MCQ’s after every video to help test yourself whether you are spot on in understanding and where you stand conceptual clarity. We are also giving you a fun MCQ bank where you can test your limits of understanding of the concept and gain greater confidence.
UPCS GS Paper-1